Needle Free Sedation Available. The best way to eliminate fear of the dentist.
It’s extremely common for patients to be anxious or nervous about visiting the Dentist. We want to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible when having dental treatments. Dr Dadashian has undergone further training to be able to provide sedation for patients, intravenously or nasally.
Whether you have a fear of the Dentist or suffer from dental anxiety, then sedation can help you get over your anxious dental fear.
Being one of few Dental Practices in Croydon to offer dental sedation, we can help nervous patients during dental treatment.
Amazingly we have had a lot of patients who have had Dental Sedation in the past and have gone on to have their future treatment without it and without dental anxiety. After seeing our Dentists and developing a relationship, they feel more comfortable and relaxed and this is exactly what we want to achieve with you.
Not everyone is suitable for sedation, however a consultation will be carried out and the Dentist will be able to let you know then and there if you are suitable for dental sedation. On the day of treatment you would need to ensure you have an escort to take you home from the Practice, normally our patients will rely on a family member and we would need their details before the sedation is carried out. Once you have left our East Croydon Dental Practice, be sure not to drive, operate any machinery, make any payments, drink any alcohol or sign any legal documents. We just recommend taking the rest of the day to rest and have someone with you.
Here’s a review from one of our patients who chose to opt for conscious sedation:
Booking a consultation is easy, you can call us on 020 8649 7911 where one of our Dental receptionists will be able to help you. Or you can e-mail us on to arrange a consultation or just to find out a bit more about dental sedation.
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